Going not only Gluten-free, No egg, and No dairy

I recently took my daughter to a Naturopathic Doctor because the Allergist I saw didn’t help as much as I had hoped. Based on the result, my daughter didn’t react to any of the main items such as dairy, wheat, egg, and nut. However, she still reacts to something.

Going not only Gluten-free, No egg, and No dairy


When I had suspected she was senstivitive to gluten, once I switch her to gluten-free her conditions would get better. Therefore I thought she had a gluten sensitivity. 


The Naturalpathic Doctor mentioned the highest food allergy is due to wheat, egg, and dairy. It would be best for Char to not eat the three items for three months. I know it would be challenging. The time I started on a gluten-free diet; it was extremely stressful. Now, I would need to eliminate three items. It would be tough. Hopefully, after I put Char on this strict diet, it would improve her condition. After the three weeks, the Doctor would be doing a blood draw to test her food sensitivity. 


While Char will be on a strict diet, the Doctor recommended two supplements to improve my daughter’s gut health and development.

-OmegAvail Citrus Sorbet Smoothie helps to support optimum cognitive health and brain function(brain, eye and nerve developments)

-HMF Natogen Probiotic Formula

Wheat-free, Gluten-free, and Grain-free.

Wheat, rice, corn, and oat are made from grass seed.
Should They be reduced from our diet? If we eat the following food items; we are eating grass seed. Humans do not eat grass and we do not digest grass. Is this why we have sensitivity to these products? Today a lot of food we eat have been genetically modified, which might be the healthiest to eat. Are these the reason why people have an autoimmune disorder or have a sensitivity to certain foods?

Wheat-free, Gluten-free, and Grain-free.


Gluten is made of glutenin, gliadin, and protein in the following items like wheat, barley, spelt, rye, and oat. If you have gluten-sensitivity you would want to avoid gluten. Or, you might want to try the Paleo diet. This allows you to heal the intestine. This is very important; wheat-free, Gluten-free, and Grain-free.



What is grain-free? It is man-made grain; it is to avoid any products with a grain such as pasta, rice, bread, and cereal. They are known as a Paleo or a keto diet. Those avoid grain is to improve their health. 


Being wheat-free is similar to a gluten-free diet, it is to avoid wheat in products. Those with sensitivity to wheat can tolerate some gluten product not all. The reason some are sensitive to wheat is an increased amount of phytic acid a coat on grain products. The coat is difficult for the human body to break down this item. Therefore, people have a sensitivity to wheat. 

Choosing wheat-free, gluten-free, and grain-free

  • start by removing all wheat product instead have more protein and vegetable. 
  • then remove gluten product.
  • lastly, remove rice, corn, quinoa. All the grain product and increase vegetable and fats.

Therefore, you can attempt a grain-free, wheat-free, and gluten-free diet to see what your body tells you. Do you feel healthier? Do you feel better? Weight? blood sugar? digestion? sleep? Skin? Gas? If these have improved then it has a positive effect. 

Gluten-Free Bread for Breakfast

Gluten-Free Bread for Breakfast

I have been attempting to make a loaf of bread. I love the aroma of freshly baked bread. Imagine, the things you can make with a loaf of bread. Grill cheese, BLT, and peanut butter sandwich. When I first found out my daughter was sensitive to gluten; I wanted to learn to make a loaf of bread.

Issues with Gluten-free Baking

The very first time I made gluten-free bread, it felt like I was eating a loaf of brick. I might be exaggerating but it was definitely not airy. Not like what I had before. There were a lot of things my daughter cannot have so I want her to have her favorite peanut butter on toast. I know she loves her carbohydrates, which gluten sensitivity difficult for my daughter. I looked everywhere and I tried some recipes I finally found a very tasty one.

Gluten-free Loaf Recipe

Gluten-free flour blend:

1 1/3 cup brown rice flour                       1 1/3 cup tapioca flour

1 1/4 cup cornstarch                                 1 tbsp potato flour


  1. Mix all the flour in a large bowl.

Bread Recipe


gluten-free flour blend                             1tbsp xantham gum

1 tbsp applesauce                                       2 tsp salt

1/2 cup milk                                                3 large eggs (room temperature)

1/4 cup butter(room temperature)         2 tsp apple cider vinegar(room temperature)

1/3 cup honey                                              2   1/4 tsp active dry yeast

2 cup warm water


  1. You would need 2 pan loaf of 8-inch bread pan. Spray pan to prevent the bread from sticking.
  2. In a large bowl, put in active yeast in 2 cups of warm water. Mix well. Let it sit.
  3. In another bowl, add gluten-free flour blend mixed earlier. Then, add the following xantham gum, applesauce, salt, and milk. Mix together.
  4. In another bowl, mix together eggs, vinegar, and honey. Pour into the dry ingredient a little at a time. Mix together.
  5. Put blender on low speed. Slowly add in the yeast into the mixture. Then, mix on medium speed. After everything is mix together.
  6. Pour the batter into the pans. Smooth the top of the dough with a wet spatula for a smoother appearance.
  7. Put a shower cap to cover the top of the bread pan to let the dough rise. Allow the dough to rise for one hour. Pre-heat the oven at 375 degrees.
  8. Afterward, place the pan in the middle rack. Bake for 50-55minute. Note: you can use the toothpick test to see if the loaf is ready. If you stick the toothpick into the loaf, the dough does not stick to the toothpick. The bread is ready.

This bread recipe is very different from the ones I had tried, it did not crumble. The bread have a springy texture. My daughter loves having this with her peanut butter spread on top. I glad she is able to enjoy her toast.

Gluten-Free Can Cause Nutritional Deficiencies

Gluten-Free Can Cause Nutritional DeficienciesWhat are some of the nutritional deficiencies?

If you are deciding to switch to gluten-free, it can cause nutritional deficiencies. The bread product with gluten provides a high amount of B vitamins. Unfortunately, gluten-free is not fortified with B vitamins. Women who are thinking of having children or who are pregnant should be more aware if they are on a gluten-free diet.


The Vitamins and Minerals Lacking from Gluten-free Diet

Vitamin B12




Vitamin B6


Vitamin D


Concerned about Low Amount of Vitamins?

You can take a gluten-free vitamin to ensure you have a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

Gluten-Free Can Cause Nutritional DeficienciesPrefer Vitamin and Mineral From Food

B6 – This vitamin fight against infection and help any all nerve function, move

Folate – Produce new cell, help prevent deformity in babies. Folate is in spinach, asparagus, brussel sprouts, broccoli, and peanut.

Vitamin D – Body produces vitamin D when in contact with the sun. The following items have vitamin D dairy, cereal,  and orange juice.

Calcium – Calcium is good for bones. It is in dairy, tofu, canned fish with bones and orange.

Iron – Iron is important for red blood cells. It moves oxygen around the body. Beef, turkey, oysters, tuna, soybean, and legumes.

Vitamin B 12 – this vitamin helps to fight against exhaustion. Vitamin B12 maintains nerve and blood cell health. What you can eat to increase the amount of vitamin B12 in your system is to consume meat, fish, and dairy.

Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin – these vitamins give off energy. They convert food to energy for the body. The items to increase the above vitamin are beans, lima bean, potato, acorn squash, meat, and almond.


When trying to eat a balanced diet, it might not be enough. It is difficult to consume enough to fulfil the required amount of vitamin levels needed so what you can do is to take a multi-vitamin.



Bakery Gluten-free in Vancouver BC

Bakery Gluten-free in Vancouver BCI am looking into the gluten-free bakery in Vancouver. There are things an experienced or professional baker will make better than a housewife. I have tried one bakery but there is a list of bakeries I would like to try. There is a list of bakery gluten-free in Vancouver BC.

List of Bakeries

1. Fairy Cakes Cupcakes

Fairy Cakes provides delicious baked treats made with the highest quality ingredients from using organic and fair-trade ingredients. Always Vegan. Always Peanut and Nut Free. Allergen friendly for everyone!

  1. The Gluten Free Epicurean
    • The bakery make Gluten-free products fresh daily from a donut, pizza, and sandwiches. This bakery uses organic brown rice flour. They have dairy free, nut free, free from refined sugar, grain free, choice of paleo and vegan option.
  2. Lemonade Gluten Free Bakery
    • 100% gluten-free bakery. Lemonade Gluten Free  Bakery uses all natural ingredients such as organic quinoa, millet flour, sorghum, and corn flour. The baked goods they make does not contain any additives and no preservatives.
  3. East Village Baker
    • This bakery has diverse gluten-free baked goods and has vegan options.
  4. Panne Rizo Gluten Free Bakery
    1. The baked goods are made from the traditional method. They baked cookies, cake, and pastries which are made from the finest ingredient. Sugar free cake or low sugar cookies.


What to Know about Gluten Free Bakery

How did some of the gluten-free bakery start their bakery? Some bakery started with bakers who were self-taught and some were handed down from family. Some bakery hires a baker. And, some bakery starts from scratch.

Bakery Gluten-free in Vancouver BC


Bakery approach baked goods differently some have their own special blend and some use only one blend for all baked goods.

Source of Product

Bakery who bake gluten-free baked goods has trouble with selling products at a lower cost. A regular bakery can purchase flour wholesale but gluten-free flour can be more challenging. The cost of the gluten-free flour cost more. It is difficult for bakeries to keep the cost down.

How Gluten-Free Bakery Started

Most of the Bakeries might have personal experience with gluten-free sensitivity or have a family member who has gluten-free sensitivity. They will have a greater understanding the struggles customers faced. Some bakers started with baking gluten-free baking for a friend or a family member. Bakers started with their love for baking.





Small Nutritious Bite Size Snacks

Small Nutritious Bite Size Snacks

My husband has been working really late due to crazy deadlines. He has been really exhausted and has been working lots of overtime. With the crazy deadlines, sometimes he doesn’t have a lot of time to eat. I wanted him to have with little hassle.  He needs something to keep him going. Something he can just pop in his mouth and is not messy. I found these small nutritious bite-size snacks for him.

Gluten-free Energy Bite


These bite-size snacks are pack with full of nutrient. It contains proteins, good fat, fiber, and good carbohydrate. It energizes and contains low Calories. The snack is easy to pack and is small in size. Some require baking and some don’t require baking. The snack does not require a lot of time to make. Extremely healthy made from the natural source of energy. The snack is portable. The nutrient allows slow release and longer affect with the ingredient and protein. It is not high in sugar so there is no sugar crash. Plant-based protein. The ingredient allows you to feel full and energized.

Should There be a Limit:

Energy ball is healthy but there should be a limit on the amount to have. Don’t overeat. You should have it in moderation.

When to have Energy Ball:

Energy ball can be consumed before and after a workout. If not exercising, you can consume these after breakfast and in between lunch and dinner.

What is the Energy Ball Good for?

This snack prevents from getting too hungry. There is no caffeine crash.


1 cup oatmeal (dry)

1/3 cup honey

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup dark chocolate chip

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tbsp. chia seed

2/3 cup coconut flakes

1/4 cup chopped walnut

1/4 cup flax seed


  1. Mix all ingredients together.
  2. Refridgerate for 20mins.
  3. Use a spoon to scoop out.
  4. Roll the ingredients into a ball.

My husband and my kids love these small bite size snacks. They are delicious.

Small Nutritious Bite Size Snacks

Gluten-free Bread and Muffin

Gluten-free Bread and MuffinGluten-free Banana Bread and Chocolate Chip Muffin

Gluten-free Bread and Muffin. My kids love banana bread especially when the banana is very ripe. I have been trying to find different breakfast items for my children. Sometimes they get bored of certain foods easily so I need to switch to a different item to keep things interesting. I am trying to save money by making my own breakfast item. This recipe allows me to make two items by splitting the batter in half. I can make banana bread and chocolate chip muffin. I haven’t attempted but I want to freeze some of the muffin or the banana loaf. These would be too much for my family we wouldn’t be able to finish everything before it expires.

Switching to Gluten-free Helped Me to Make Better Choices

When I was learning about gluten-free, it was very different. However, gluten-free has forced me to make dishes I have been putting off. It pushes me to experiment with more in the kitchen. Gluten-free has made me choose better option healthier option for my family.

Gluten-free Bread and Muffin




Banana Loaf and Chocolate Chip Muffin

1 3/4 cup gluten-free flour

6 tbsp. cornstarch

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp kosher salt

7 tbsp. unsalted butter (have at room temperature)

2 egg (have at room temperature)

3 banana (ripe)

1/2 cup chocolate chip

1 tsp xantham gum

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 sugar or honey

1 cup Greek yogurt


  1. Preheat oven at 350 degrees. Make loaf and muffin. In a bowl, add flour, cornstarch, xanthum gum, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and sugar. Mix together.
  2. In the center, create a well. Add butter, yogurt, banana, and egg in the center. Mix together. Mix well.
  3. Split the batter into two. One batter is for a loaf and the other is for the muffin.
  4. Spray loaf and muffin pan. Pour the batter for the loaf.
  5. Mix the chocolate chip into the batter for the muffin.
  6. Use an ice cream scoop the batter into the muffin pan. Put pans in the oven.
  7. Bake the loaf for 30mins and the muffin for 20-25mins. After 20min turn the oven to 325 degrees. If the muffin is brown on the surface, use a toothpick check. If the dough does not stick to the toothpick, then it should be ready. Remove from oven.
  8. Bake the loaf for another 10-20min. Check the loaf after 10mins to see if it is ready.
  9. Remove from oven after the loaf is ready. Let it cool.


How to Avoid Gluten

How to Avoid Gluten

  • When choosing pasta, what you can have instead is rice or zucchini noodle.
  • If you want oatmeal, attempt gluten-free oatmeal instead.
  • Bread, you can look at bread made from rice flour or almond flour.
  • How about wraps they are usually made from wheat try corn wraps.
  • What can you have instead of wheat there are flourless options or to use cornmeal.

How to Avoid Gluten






What to Know about Food Labels

Ingredients to look for on the food label and avoid.

  • flour
  • triticum vulgare
  • triticale
  • hordeum vulgare
  • secale cereal
  • triticum spelta
  • malt
  • spelt
  • wheat germ
  • wheat protein
  • semolina

What to make When you have very little Time?

What to do when you have been rushing around all day dealing with kids. Not a lot of time. Maybe only 10-15mins to cook. You need to feed hungry little ones. What can you make with very little time.

  • omelet
  • nuts
  • veggie and hummus
  • gluten-free corn chip with cheese

How to Avoid Gluten








Preparing Meal at Home Main Focus on Gluten-Free

When you start to eat gluten-free option, it can be a lot to take in. After you become comfortable with 2-3 dishes, you can make slight changes by changing the spices or changing the protein or vegetable.

  • Roast with rosemary carrot and onion
  • Bake chicken thigh with roasted garlic and pepper spice
  • Beef stew with lentil potato and peas

You can start off with a simple dish or something you like. Just experiment.


Saving Money with Gluten-free Choices

What you can do to save money when starting gluten-free is to add more vegetables to your dishes. Try to spend more time in the kitchen, you can make your own snacks. Choose one meal with bean, chickpeas or lentils.

Gluten-free Breakfast

When you think of breakfast, it usually contains carbohydrates. What you can have instead is the following:

  • salmon with gluten-free cracker
  • yogurt with nut
  • bowl of fruit
  • omelet
  • avocado with gluten-free toast

It is best to start small with eating gluten-free rather than to overwhelm yourself.





Gluten-Free Starting with Simple Baking

Gluten-Free Starting with Simple Baking. When I started learning about my daughter’s gluten-free sensitivity I decided to bake. A simple loaf of bread since I want to buy some ingredients to bake from scratch. I did buy a couple of different baking ingredients gluten-free flour, almond flour, cornmeal, etc. Then, I can make different things from French toast to a sandwich.

I found a very simple recipe. Unfortunately, once I mixed everything together and baked it the next day it gets crumbly. I couldn’t apply any types of spread on the bread. It was tough. I never knew without gluten it would make that big of a difference. And, the rice makes the bread crumbly. I attempted different recipes but they all seem to do the same thing. Maybe I need to try different types of flours. It was quite stressful how a simple loaf does not turn out the way I want it.

For now, I just buy my loaf from Costco they seem reasonable in price. I’ll attempt a loaf again at another time. At home, I mostly bake gluten-free breakfast items they really didn’t require non-crumbly texture or texture is not as important. I make banana chocolate chip muffin, banana loaf, pancake, cornbread, and quiche.

What I want to attempt the next time for gluten-free baking are blueberry breakfast oat bars. The recipe use gluten-free oats and gluten-free oat flour. I have never used oat flour before. It will be interesting to use something different.

How to Prevent Crumbly Bread

How to Prevent Crumbly Bread

How to prevent bread from being crumbly. Most of the gluten-free baking is with rice flour. The best is to choose fine milled rice flour. It will blend well and mix well with other the other ingredients.

Xantham Gum

What is Xantham Gum? You see it mix with flour or by itself. What does it do? It acts as a thickener, stabilizer, and emulsifier. When you bake gluten bake goods wheat is used with gluten-free products you use xantham gum. It is a wheat substitute. Xantham gum allows bread to stretch, hold and bubble, giving stickiness to bread. Then, the bread will stay intact. this ingredient preventsa the bread from being crumbly. Tip: if the baked good is crumbly add a little more xantham gum. A small amount goes a long way.

Careful not to Overbake

Take the baked good from the oven before it drys out. Use a toothpick to test bread if it is ready. If the toothpick comes up with dough stuck to it is not ready.

Dryness makes Bread Crumbly

Make sure the batter is moist not too dry. It is better to have the batter more moist or wet. The dryness causes the bread to be crumbly.

The Issue with Baked Goods



crumbly      add more egg and add more xantham gum

dense           add more leavener

dry                add more liquid or sour cream

gritty            let the batter sit 30mins before baking



Dense, gummy     Cook low temperature, cook longer



greasy                             add sour cream, or cream cheese to reduce fat

dense                              reduce fat and add more liquid, add more baking powder,

gummy center               reduce oven temperature, baker longer, reduce the liquid

edge cake tough           wrap cake side and edge with parchment paper

Food With Gluten You Didn’t Know About

Food With Gluten You Didn't Know AboutFood With Gluten You Didn’t Know About

There are everyday foods that you didn’t know that can contain gluten.

Gluten Product:

You might want to look more carefully at the ingredient list. Any product you purchase while doing your grocery shopping. You might be surprised what contains gluten.

Barley, Breading, Brewer’s yeast, Bulgur, Durum, Farro or Faro, Agraham Flour,

Hydrolyzed wheat protein, Kamut, Malt extract, Malt syrup, Malt flavoring or malt vinegar,

malted milk, matzo, matzo meal, modified wheat starch, oatmeal, oat bran, Oat flour,

Whole oats, Rye Bread and flour, Seitan, Semolina, Spelt, Triticale, Wheat bran, Wheat flour,

and Wheat Germ.

Products to Watch for Gluten

You might be surprised how almost everything you use contain gluten from sauce to seasoning.

Beer, Bread, Broth, Cereal, Cookie, Cracker, Chocolate, Flavored coffee,

and tea, Imitation bacon bits, medication, processed foods, Salad dressings,

Sausage, Marinades, Gravies, Seasoning, and Soy sauce.

Staying Gluten-free Can be Easy

Non-celiac intolerance does get easier. Some do get sensitive with slight gluten. Some do react badly with a larger amount of gluten. The best diet for someone with gluten sensitivity for a better health. It is best to eat gluten-free, vegetable, fruit, dairy, lean meat, fish, seafood, beans, and nut. With starch options, there are many choices. They are potato, corn, rice, soy, quinoa, millet, flax, chia, and nut flour. It is best to have fresh unprocessed food for a better health.

Household Products with Gluten

There are many manufacturing products you might not know that contain gluten. You will be surprised even non-edible can contain gluten. Wheat is an very important binding ingredient. The everyday products you use at home can contain hidden gluten you may ingest depending on what they are such as lip balm, toothpaste, mouthwash, products, etc.

In the beginning, it might be a lot to process to know what has wheat and what doesn’t. Over time, you will learn to know which products are safe to use. And you will learn which brands are safe for someone with gluten-free sensitivity.

How to Narrow Down Allergies

How to Narrow Down AllergiesHow to Narrow Down Allergies

My daughter reacts to gluten products and now she might be sensitive to something else. My Doctor told me to keep a food diary to write down everything my daughter is eating to narrow down what is reacting to. I didn’t really know how to approach this unknown allergy my daughter might have. I found a diet online to help me determine what my daughter might be allergic to the elimination diet.

What could this elimination diet do

What you do is to remove foods you have a sensitivity to.  And you reintroduce them to your body, later on, to watch for how your body reacts to the food.

How to Get Started with the Diet

When you test your body’s reaction to the food your body might cause bloating, rash, and itch. Once you find out what you are allergic to you can avoid that item.

Step 1

For two to three weeks, you remove the item you think might have a negative reaction to. You remove items people tend to be allergic to such as nuts, corn, soy, dairy, citrus fruits, nightshade vegetables, wheat, food with gluten, pork, eggs, and seafood.

Stage 2

What you do next is to re-introduce the food you avoid for two to three weeks. You have one item at one time for 2-3 days to watch how you would react to the item. Some of the symptoms could be skin reaction or rash, joint pain, headaches, feeling tired, trouble sleeping, issue with breathing, bloating, stomach pain, and bowel habits.

How to Narrow Down Allergies

Things to Avoid During the Elimination Stage

  • Starchy foods: Avoid wheat, barley, corn, rye, oats and, bread. Avoid gluten products.
  • Meat and fish: Avoid processed meats like cold cuts, beef, chicken, pork, eggs, and shellfish.
  • Fats: Avoid butter, margarine, hydrogenated oils, mayonnaise, and spreads
  • Sugar and Sweets:   Avoid sugar (white and brown), honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, and high-fructose corn syrup, agave nectar, desserts, and chocolate.

I am going to try this elimination diet on my daughter to determine what she is allergic to.

Restaurant with no gluten-free options

Restaurant with no gluten free optionsRestaurant with no gluten-free options

It can be stressful eating out when not all restaurants have gluten-free options. It can give you anxiety. Some restaurants are more careful with the gluten-free options such as those part of the GIC Gluten-free Food Services Certification Program. They are detailed and prevent any cross- contaminations. Unfortunately, not all restaurants are as careful.

Some Suggestions for Dining Out

Restaurants with no gluten-free menu. You can have a plain potato instead of a fried potato. You can let the server know of your allergy to gluten and ask the server or chef to cook with a new pan to prevent cross contamination.

Smartphone Application

There are applications to make gluten-free living easier. This application either help you while grocery shopping by allowing you to search for items gluten-free or contains any gluten free or non-gluten ingredient. Also, it allows you to find restaurants with a gluten-free menu.

Smartphone Application for Shopping

  • Fooducate helps to scan an item to see what ingredients are in each product.
  • Scanglutenfree.com finds a product that has gluten by scanning the product barcode.
  • Gardenbaysoftware.com contains a large database of gluten-free products.

Smartphone Application for Eating Out

  • Glutenfreetravelsite.com is a review of restaurants people from the US and worldwide of gluten-free restaurants
  • Findmeglutenfree.com helps to find gluten-free options when dining out and it is linked to the restaurants’ menus. You can view the menus before visiting the restaurants.

Dining Out with Different Types of Cuisine



Mexican is a great gluten-free option mostly the food is made of corn. Or this cuisine contains mostly beans. Do avoid the flour tortillas when having a fajita.


Japanese is made of mostly sushi rolls. It is safe to have seaweed and rice. The better gluten-free choice and healthier option to have brown rice instead of white.


Thai food is made of rice noodle and rice. The only thing to watch for is the dishes contains fish sauce rather than soy sauce.


The dishes contain mostly protein and vegetable. The dishes are mostly eaten on rice. Do avoid Naan bread, it is not gluten-free. There is wheat in naan bread. Just be careful with the sauce.

Restaurant with no gluten free options

You can eat at various restaurant with different cuisines but there are little things to watch out for when trying to eat gluten-free.

Gluten Free Blueberry Muffin

Gluten-Free Moist Blueberry Muffin

When I first learned about my daughter’s food sensitivity. I decided I would start to bake more often to save on cost and to be healthier. Then, I know what I am putting in my daughter’s food or what she is eating. It might require more time in the kitchen but for a better health, it is worth it. I decided to start with making breakfast items. In the past, I had baked some items from cheesecakes to brownies, so it shouldn’t be too difficult. First, I looked at some recipes for something simple like a loaf of bread, pancakes, banana bread, etc. I thought I would start with something simple like the gluten-free blueberry muffin. Now, it is summer time we are getting lots of blueberries. Berries would be great it tastes great and kids love berries. I wanted the muffins to be moist, not dry or crumbly. This recipe I tried had applesauce, and butter, coconut oil which really helped with the moisture level.

Gluten Free Blueberry Muffin


3 cup gluten-free flour

1 tbsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

1 tsp baking soda

3/4 cup sugar

7 tbsp coconut oil(liquid form)

3 large eggs (room temperature) or vegan eggs

1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce

2 tsp vanilla extract

2/3 cup fresh blueberries

1/4 cup butter


  1. Pre-heat oven 350 degrees. Spray muffin tray with oil.
  2. In a bowl, mix together gluten-free flour, baking powder, salt, and baking soda. Put aside for later.
  3. In another bowl, mix well together with a beater or electric mixture. Mix together coconut oil, eggs, applesauce, vanilla. Mix well.
  4. Add in blueberries. Mix in the batter.
  5. Use an ice cream scoop to scoop batter into 12 muffin tins. Bake until golden brown. Bake for 25 minutes.
  6. Let the muffin cool. Once cool. Remove from muffin tin.

I gave a some to my son, he loved it. Who can refuse fresh out of the oven fresh blueberry muffin.

Learning about all the Different Gluten Free Flour

flourLearning about all the Different Gluten Free Flour

The first thing I did after doing some research on the gluten sensitivity is going shopping for gluten- free loaves. I know my daughter loves grilled cheese sandwich. The first place I went to was Safeway probably not the best place but I wanted to see what are the gluten-free products at the stores. The Safeway close to my house had a frozen session by baked goods with gluten-free products. They were selling gluten-free hot dog buns four on sale for $3.98. The loaf of bread price was between $5.50-$10.00. This gives me a small idea of how much gluten-free products would sell for. I still need to shop around at other places. Maybe I just need to start baking to make some of our breakfast items. It doesn’t hurt to start baking some bakery goods.

Before finding out my daughter had gluten-free sensitivity, I did some baking and I do enjoy baking banana loaf or cheesecake occasionally. I just need to take a look at some gluten-free recipes to see what I want to try to make. Would they be very different from the baked goods with gluten? Gluten vs gluten-free. It looks like the difference is the number of flours used for recipes. Some recipes use three to four different types of flours. Do I need to buy and store five to seven different types of flour at home? Seems like a lot. What are the different types of flour? Do I really need them? What do they do? Would these flour be expensive? I want to do some baking at home to save on cost since gluten-free products can be expensive. It looks like I making gluten-free products will require me to put in more time and effort.

I look at the flour with gluten like the white and wheat flours I had used in the past to bake muffin or bread before learning about gluten-free flours. White and wheat flour bleached might not be the best for your health. It is actually tougher for your body to digest. During the process to bleach the flour, it removes a lot of nutritional value. It is best to reduce the intake of white and bleached flour.

There might be more gluten-free flours but there are four I took a looked at.

Coconut Flour:

High fiber, healthy fats, great a source of energy, great for metabolism, good to help with blood sugar level.

Rice Flour:

Brown rice flour is a lot easier for people to digest, most gluten-free pasta made from rice flour. Brown rice flour is a better option than regular rice flour; it has a higher amount of nutritional value.

Almond Flour:

It has L’arginine, magnesium, copper, manganese, calcium, potassium, helps to lower cholesterol and diabetes. High in fiber. Fantastic to make cookies, cake, and baked goods.

Tapioca Flour:

Tapioca flour is the purest type of starch. It is a thickener like a soup, stew or a sauce. Not a lot of nutritional benefit but it is low in calorie. It contains no sugar.

Learning about all the Different Gluten Free Flour

It is best to start with the four above flours while starting to bake gluten-free recipes.



More About My Daughter’s Gluten Free Sensitivity

breadMore About My Daughter’s Gluten Free Sensitivity

The gluten sensitivity was new to me, I had looked at it in the past. A friend of mine has gluten sensitivity. I had learned a little about it, but I didn’t go too in depth into it. I didn’t know what to feed my daughter. I didn’t know what to cook for her. I didn’t know what are the changes I had to make at home. Do I need to completely change my way of cooking? I was definitely overwhelmed.

Now, Looking back to the past several weeks, it all makes sense all the symptoms my daughter was showing. My daughter’s tummy was bloated often and she was gassy. I thought she was sensitive to certain starchy food. Char had a terrible rash on her bum. I was trying to figure out why she kept on scratching her bum. We were using a natural detergent so it shouldn’t have been the clothes or the detergent. There are times where it gets really bad. The only thing I can do is discourage her from scratching and constantly apply ointment. The day after Char’s doctor’s appointment she had a nose bleed which was another symptom. In the past, Char did have constipation, but I thought she was not eating enough vegetable. Also, recently she has been sucking her thumb probably due to she not feeling well due to her body had trouble digesting the gluten. This all seems to make more sense now. Char had gluten sensitivity and her body knows it. It is good to find out early on Char has gluten sensitivity to switch her to a proper diet. I would need to completely change my way of cooking and buy gluten-free products. I do find this a little stressful. At the end of the day, it is better to know than not know.

More About My Daughter's Gluten Free Sensitivity

List of Symptoms for Gluten sensitivity:

  1. bloating
  2. diarrhea and constipation
  3. abdominal pain
  4. headaches
  5. feeling tired
  6. skin problem
  7. depression
  8. unexplained weight loss
  9. iron deficiency
  10. anxiety
  11. autoimmune Disorders
  12. joint and muscle pain
  13. leg or arm numbness
  14. brain fog