What are some of the nutritional deficiencies?
If you are deciding to switch to gluten-free, it can cause nutritional deficiencies. The bread product with gluten provides a high amount of B vitamins. Unfortunately, gluten-free is not fortified with B vitamins. Women who are thinking of having children or who are pregnant should be more aware if they are on a gluten-free diet.
The Vitamins and Minerals Lacking from Gluten-free Diet
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B6
Vitamin D
Concerned about Low Amount of Vitamins?
You can take a gluten-free vitamin to ensure you have a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.
Prefer Vitamin and Mineral From Food
B6 – This vitamin fight against infection and help any all nerve function, move
Folate – Produce new cell, help prevent deformity in babies. Folate is in spinach, asparagus, brussel sprouts, broccoli, and peanut.
Vitamin D – Body produces vitamin D when in contact with the sun. The following items have vitamin D dairy, cereal, and orange juice.
Calcium – Calcium is good for bones. It is in dairy, tofu, canned fish with bones and orange.
Iron – Iron is important for red blood cells. It moves oxygen around the body. Beef, turkey, oysters, tuna, soybean, and legumes.
Vitamin B 12 – this vitamin helps to fight against exhaustion. Vitamin B12 maintains nerve and blood cell health. What you can eat to increase the amount of vitamin B12 in your system is to consume meat, fish, and dairy.
Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin – these vitamins give off energy. They convert food to energy for the body. The items to increase the above vitamin are beans, lima bean, potato, acorn squash, meat, and almond.
When trying to eat a balanced diet, it might not be enough. It is difficult to consume enough to fulfil the required amount of vitamin levels needed so what you can do is to take a multi-vitamin.