Learning about all the Different Gluten Free Flour
The first thing I did after doing some research on the gluten sensitivity is going shopping for gluten- free loaves. I know my daughter loves grilled cheese sandwich. The first place I went to was Safeway probably not the best place but I wanted to see what are the gluten-free products at the stores. The Safeway close to my house had a frozen session by baked goods with gluten-free products. They were selling gluten-free hot dog buns four on sale for $3.98. The loaf of bread price was between $5.50-$10.00. This gives me a small idea of how much gluten-free products would sell for. I still need to shop around at other places. Maybe I just need to start baking to make some of our breakfast items. It doesn’t hurt to start baking some bakery goods.
Before finding out my daughter had gluten-free sensitivity, I did some baking and I do enjoy baking banana loaf or cheesecake occasionally. I just need to take a look at some gluten-free recipes to see what I want to try to make. Would they be very different from the baked goods with gluten? Gluten vs gluten-free. It looks like the difference is the number of flours used for recipes. Some recipes use three to four different types of flours. Do I need to buy and store five to seven different types of flour at home? Seems like a lot. What are the different types of flour? Do I really need them? What do they do? Would these flour be expensive? I want to do some baking at home to save on cost since gluten-free products can be expensive. It looks like I making gluten-free products will require me to put in more time and effort.
I look at the flour with gluten like the white and wheat flours I had used in the past to bake muffin or bread before learning about gluten-free flours. White and wheat flour bleached might not be the best for your health. It is actually tougher for your body to digest. During the process to bleach the flour, it removes a lot of nutritional value. It is best to reduce the intake of white and bleached flour.
There might be more gluten-free flours but there are four I took a looked at.
Coconut Flour:
High fiber, healthy fats, great a source of energy, great for metabolism, good to help with blood sugar level.
Rice Flour:
Brown rice flour is a lot easier for people to digest, most gluten-free pasta made from rice flour. Brown rice flour is a better option than regular rice flour; it has a higher amount of nutritional value.
Almond Flour:
It has L’arginine, magnesium, copper, manganese, calcium, potassium, helps to lower cholesterol and diabetes. High in fiber. Fantastic to make cookies, cake, and baked goods.
Tapioca Flour:
Tapioca flour is the purest type of starch. It is a thickener like a soup, stew or a sauce. Not a lot of nutritional benefit but it is low in calorie. It contains no sugar.
It is best to start with the four above flours while starting to bake gluten-free recipes.