Day 2 of the 7-day exercise challenge

Day 2 of the 7-day exercise challenge

What I did I do on day 2? I did not have as much time. This is not surprising being a mom. I want to make time. I turn on my timer for 10 minutes to ready for a jog. Then, at home on a spot or I jog around the house. I can turn on my favorite series while jogging at home. The time goes faster when you are occupied. This is my process for my day 2 of the 7-day exercise challenge.


Yoga is an extremely important part of the exercise before and after a jog. After jogging, I spend a small amount of time to do yoga. Yoga helps to prevent injuries. Different poses aim to target different parts of the muscle. This forces you to slow down which can be very difficult. Yoga helps to reduce stress. Not only that but yoga helps with the focus.

The Beginning

When you start exercising, the first couple of days might feel tough. However, if you kept on wanting to give up, remind yourself how you would feel after a workout. Or, treat yourself to something you would enjoy. This would encourage you to exercise. I don’t know if you have ever heard about bullet journals but it helped me. I find putting together a chart in the bullet journal and each time I workout I would mark it down. This helps to encourage me to exercise every day. When I mark it down, it is very fulfilling. And this pushes me to exercise more.

Day 2 of the 7-day exercise challenge

This is my day 2 of the 7-day exercise challenge. What would you do to challenge yourselves for a good workout, even just 5 to 10 minutes would help.

If you need help to de-stress, do try aromatherapy it is very soothing.

Things to think about after a good workout.

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