Fun Bath Bombs

Fun Bath Bombs. Bath bombs are great. They help to soothe achy muscles. Give relaxation to help de-stress the mind with the help of essential oils like lavender or ylang-ylang. Bath bombs can be all shapes and sizes by using molds like seashells, hearts, or cupcakes. They can be big or small in size. These bath bombs are fun and colorful. They can be in pink, blue, or in multiple colors. Fun bath bombs are like a work of art.

Fun Bath Bombs Recipe

Fun Bath Bombs


1 cup baking soda

1/2 cup of citric acid

1/2 cup Epsom salt

1/2 cup cornstarch

essential oil

1 1/2 tsp water

food coloring


measuring spoons

bath bomb molds

mixing bowl

stirring spoon


  1. In a bowl, add in baking soda, Epsom salt, and cornstarch. Mix.
  2. With a small bowl, add in wet ingredients essential oil, water, and food coloring. Stir.
  3. Then, combine the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients. Finally, slowly add in the citric acid. Whisk together. Note: the citric acid will fizz. This is normal. Try to not let ingredients not react too much.
  4. Scoop the mixture in the mold. It will be fine to overflow the mold with the mixture. Press the molds together. Let it sit for 10 minutes and tap to remove the mold. If the mixture falls apart, put it together, and try again. Let it sit a little longer and try again. Afterward, let the ball sit overnight.
Fun Bath Bombs
Fun Bath Bombs

The aroma of Bath Bombs

These lovely bath bombs can have an abundance of smells. They can be lavender, lemongrass, peppermint, green tea, chamomile, or cocoa butter. Also, these can be a work of art by adding lavender flowers, dried fruits, dried flowers, etc. People love bath bombs, which can bubble and fizz in the water. This creates a spa environment in your very own bathtub. Not only this, but they can also really benefit the skin.

Do try these fun bath bombs. If you do enjoy homemade products, do try homemade bubble bath or homemade exfoliant.

I would love to try more homemade detergent.

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