Smoothie with more Veggie

Kids fight to avoid eating their vegetables. They just seem to hate vegetables. Why? It seems that this could be due to the kids super sensitive taste buds. Apparently, kids taste the bitterness in the vegetables much more easily than adults. Therefore, children might not be as fond of having vegetables due to the taste. We Parents have to try kids need to have a balanced diet and without vegetable Parents worried there would be a negative effect on the child’s health. Over time my daughter has gotten a little better with vegetables but she is still quite picky with her vegetables. I tried making different meals or appetizers with increasing amount of vegetable. I tried to cook the vegetables differently make it differently or more tasty. Sometimes my kids like what I did with the vegetable but not all the time. I think the next best option is to make a smoothie which might hide the vegetable in the smoothie. My kids love fruits; it is sweet and juicy. Smoothie is a good option. Smoothie will blend everything together so my kids can take in all the nutrient from both the fruit and the vegetables. Also, the fruit might hide the vegetable or mask it.

Smoothie with more vegetable

Spinach Smoothie

1/2 cup spinach

1 avocado

1 large pear (cut into slices)

1 banana

1 cup orange juice

1 apple (sliced)


  1. Put banana, avocado, pear, and spinach in the blender. Add orange juice.
  2. Juice the apple.
  3. Blend everything together.

Smoothies are great for kids. It will help to give a balanced nutrition. It is an easy way for the kids to get the vitamins and minerals they don’t get from their daily meals. Or, when the kids get picky with their food. By juicing, it is a quick way for the body to absorb the nutrient and build a stronger immunity. Also, juicing helps to release a digestive enzyme in the fruit and vegetable that does not happen when you eat fruit or vegetable with from chewing. This helps to improve the digestive tract and gives phytonutrients to the body.



Nourishing Apple Drink for Winter Dryness

These couple of weeks it has been quite cold. It snowed last week close to Christmas day. Most of the snow melted away but it is still quite cold. My son had a runny nose for a whole week; I tried bundling him up but he still has a runny nose. This could be due to the chilly weather rather than a cold or it could be a cold. Then, on Thursday his cold turn into a bad cough. He was coughing non stop it was getting really bad. My Mom made him a Chinese home remedy apple drink. My mom would always make this drink for me when I was little. 

apple for cold remedy
apple for cold remedy

My mom would always make this drink for me when I was little. The drink is very nourishing for the throat.  It is great for a sore throat, allergy, irritated throat or swollen throat. This beverage would help in the winter time when you turn on the heater and have dry throat especially after you wake up in the morning. It can be taken when you are not sick. Great for itchy or dry cough. This remedy helps to clear heat, prevent dehydration, sooth lung, moisten lung, cool the heart since Chinese remedy is all about balancing the yin and yang. You would need two apple, two pear, and two to three dried figs.

fig for cold remedy
fig. Photo by Weronika Marcińczyk on Unsplash

Boil a half pot of water. Peel the skin off apple and pear. Then, cut the apple and pear into slices. Once the water boils. Add apple, pear, and dried figs. Cook for three hours on medium heat. This can be served hot. My Mom gave some of the apple remedies to my son. My son really liked it because it is sweet. It really reduces the amount coughing. After two days he wasn’t coughing as much and seems to be getting much better.