Children the Importance of Calcium at an Early Age

There are a lot of different supplements out there. I find it tough to know what to take sometimes. I believe one of the important ones to take is calcium. We all know Calcium helps strengthen bones and teeth. Besides that, it will help with blood clots and nerve impulses, and regulate hearts rhythm. Our body gets calcium by either by everything food or through supplements. If we do not take enough, then it will come from our bones. Children the Importance of Calcium at an Early Age

Calcium absorption does stop

When we reach mid-twenties, the body stops taking in calcium. The bone tissue is still doing its regular function. During the early age, It is important to add enough calcium to our body. This builds the strength and density of the bones.

Children the Importance of Calcium at an Early Age
Dairy Products

The Late Twenties

When we reach the late twenties, the bone reaches its limit. Old bones break more quickly than new ones will form. Bone loss more than it can gain. We cant build bones storage. It is still possible to replace what is lost each day. We can prevent bone storage from decreasing.

Encourage Kids with Stronger Bones

-food with high calcium

-vitamin d drops

-exercise to strengthen muscle

Gender and Bone Mass

Men have higher bone mass compare to women. Men have a bigger bone structure. Women have a smaller bone structure. Due to Women’s smaller structure, they due tend to develop osteoporosis more easily.

Children the Importance of Calcium at an Early Age

Children Lack of Vitamin D

Children with not enough vitamin D might be smaller compared to those in the same age. The body needs vitamin D to absorb Calcium.

Other methods to increase Calcium in the Diet

-dairy fortified with vitamin D

-chocolate milk

-sneak dairy into dishes

-snack on cheese and yogurt

-calcium-fortified with milk

-high salt diet prevents the body from absorbing calcium

Exercise good for our bones

Physicl activity is not only good for the heart. When we exercise the strain is good for the body. It helps to increase bone density. Exercise like walking, dancing, jogging, weightlifting, stair climbing, hiking, racquet sports help builds bone density.


It is very important to consume enough calcium and vitamin D. The amount of exercise is essential for good health to build stronger bones.

If you would like to read about healthy eating, you can read more about eating colorful vegetables please visit here.

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