Natural Mouth Health

Mouth health is important. The health of the mouth really depends on the diet and what you put into your mouth. What you eat can contribute to the bacteria in your mouth. The carbohydrates sitting on the teeth can erode the teeth. What the saliva does is to neutralize any harm that causes by the food to our teeth. However, teeth do thin out over time from acids if there is no remineralization or if the remineralization is not enough to change the damage. Therefore, natural mouth health is important.

Food for good Oral health

The below food items help to improve the condition of the mouth.

Natural Mouth Health
  1. Berries such as blueberries and cranberries, blackberries, goji berries, and strawberries.
  2. Fermented food like nato and miso soup.
  3. Mushroom has a good amount of vitamin D.
  4. Almond contain Calcium and phosphorus that has micronutrient to balance calcium.
  5. Cucumber has high amount of vitamin C.
  6. Fibrous food for example raw celery and apple and carrot.
  7. Walnut has a high amount of omega 3.

Consume the above food items, this will give the nutrient the teeth needs to help slowly heal the teeth from cavities.

Homemade recipe for Receding Gum

Green tea: 

Antioxidant properties. It helps to fight periodontal disease. This is what cause receding gums.

A regular cup of green tea will help with this condition.

Aloe vera

This is good for skin problems. Anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe will heal cells.

How to use aloe vera by first brushing your teeth, then apply aloe on the area and brush for another 5 minutes.

Sesame oil

This oil lowers the plague from building and protect from any harmful toxin.

Bush with sesame oil and gurgle. Overtime this will help repair the gums.


Antibacterial properties. Too much acid can harm your teeth.

Use once per week. And use a small amount.


Does help with many health problems. It destroy anything harmful like bacteria.

Apply 1-2 drops to 2 tbsp of water. Massage gently with a toothbrush.

Toothpaste Recipe

You can make your own toothpaste at home to for a healthier mouth or oral health.


4 tbsp baking soda

4 tbsp coconut oil

20 drops of lavender oil


  1. Melt coconut oil. Put in a jar. Run under hot water or warm it in a microwave for 30 seconds.
  2. Add baking soda and essential oil .
  3. Mix well.
  4. When brushing, put a pea size amount on the toothbrush.

Oil Pulling

Natural Mouth Health
coconut butter

Oil pulling is an ancient remedy used to remove toxin. At the same time, this helps to replenish lost vitamins and minerals.

Oil Pulling Recipe


1 tbsp coconut oil

1 drop clove essential oil


  1. Mix together.
  2. Swish in the mouth for 20mins.

Better Natural Oral Health

Do consider oil pulling. There are many health benefits. This is good for both dental health and good for heart health. Oil pulling does increase the immune system. This should be done 2-3 times per week. Not only will oil pulling help improve the health of the teeth but give fresher breath and reduce stain to the teeth. Do look into natural mouth health.

If you want to take a look at article for a healthier eating, besides taking care of your mouth health. Do take a look at this article.

Do read more about oil pulling.

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