My Daughter’s Food Sensitivity

My Daughter's Food Sensitivity

My Daughter’s Food Sensitivity. I took my daughter to her friend’s birthday party. At the party, after eating she complained her tummy was in pain. I thought she was in pain because she was too full. Her stomach always tends to be full easily. Char might be sensitive to starch; she tends to be gaseous often. Or it is just the way her body is like. There are times where she just wants to play so she makes the excuse she is full. At the party, I tried rubbing her tummy to hopefully make her less uncomfortable. In the past, I attempted to help her with her with her gas issue by juicing her a drink and adding ginger. Unfortunately, she is not too fond of spicy food. Char wasn’t feeling well so we had to leave the party early.

The next morning, she had a fever. She was complaining her tummy hurts. I applied peppermint o her stomach. Char was in a lot of discomforts. I was worried about the food she ate did not sit well in her stomach. I made a peppermint tea to help settle with her stomach. However, she dislikes mint. Then, Char threw up. She still wasn’t feeling any better. I made an appointment with my Doctor. I told my Doctor Char has a fever and has stomach pain. My Doctor felt Char’s stomach and asked where was the pain. She commented how Char’s stomach is quite bloated. I mentioned to her she has a lot of gas and she is often bloated. She asked what my daughter had for dinner the night before. I told her chicken, kale, and rice. My Doctor said Char might have thrown up due to the kale. Kale can be difficult for toddlers to digest. The amount of gas in her stomach was making her uncomfortable. Also, I told my Doctor Char has a skin rash. My Doctor believed Char might have gluten sensitivity.  She wants me to bring Char back to test and see which type of gluten product she is sensitive to. This completely changes the way I would need to cook. The way I shop. This was a little overwhelming. I would need to find out which gluten product she is sensitive to.


My Daughter's Food Sensitivity

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