Light Chia Seed Pudding

Light Chia Seed pudding. Therefore, I prefer a lighter dessert. However, I want a light healthy dessert for my children and me. Therefore, I’ll try making a chocolate chia pudding. Also, chia seed provides energy, which is important for moms with young children. Also, children seem to have an endless amount of energy.

Light chia seed pudding recipe

Light Chia Pudding


1/4 cup chia seed

2 tsp maple syrup

pinch of kosher salt

1 cup non-dairy milk

1 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Firstly, in a medium bowl mix chia seed, non-dairy milk, maple syrup, vanilla extract, and salt.
  2. And then, pour in a mason jar.
  3. Furthermore, refrigerate overnight.
  4. This can be served with fruit.
Light Chia Pudding
Light Chia Pudding

Benefits of chia seed

Chia seed contains many healthy nutrients calcium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, niacin, and magnesium. Not only does it contain essential vitamins, but it also helps to control blood sugar. As well as chia seeds contain a higher amount of omega3 than flaxseed. Furthermore, by adding water to the chia seed it bulks up and can be used to replace eggs. Besides, this replaces egg in dishes or baking recipes for vegan dishes.

Do try Light Chia Pudding. If you enjoy chia pudding, do try other baked goods like apple crumble muffin. I would love to try new dishes like a pot pie.

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